I, ...... son of Sh. ....., R/O ......., do hereby
solemnly affirm and declare as under:
1. That
I am legal occupant of shop No. ......., New Delhi for which new
electricity connection/additional load has been required in the capacity as the
tenant/owner on the basis of the documents of legal occupancy of the premises.
2. That
in support of my proof of legal occupancy of the premises under reference
copies of the following documents is submitted along with the application form.
3. That
the said premises is installed with electricity connection against K. No. ........ in the name of ........ and I undertake to pay the dues of electricity
against the said existing electricity connection if found subsequently after
the sanction of New/Additional load in this premises.
4. That
no unauthorized construction has been made in the premise subsequent to my
inheritance of the construction and there is no violation of Municipal Bye-Laws
and I/We undertake to indemnify NDMC for any damages on this account as
subsequent stage. Further in default NDMC as a license may disconnect the
electricity connection on this account.
5. That
electricity connection against K. No. ............. which is presently in the name
of ....... shall be used for same purpose.
6. That
in case the said electricity connection against K. No. ............. is found to be
used for purpose other than for which it has been sanctioned, NDMC shall be at
liberty to take necessary action as per the provisions of Delhi
Electricity Control Order apart from
levy of misuse charges in the electricity bills.
7. That
electricity connection shall not confer any legal right of regularization of
my/our premises including its land use. Further NDMC shall be at liberty to
disconnect the electricity supply including the service lines without notice
whereas when any action to discharge their statutory obligations by the
competent Govt. Agency.
8. I/We
shall regularly pay the bills in case of failure NDMC may disconnect the
electricity and may take all possible action as per law for recovery of dues
including disconnection of electricity of my/our other premises.
9. In
case of electricity is to be used for a licensable trade I/We shall obtain NOC/License
from the competent Authority.
........ s/o Sh. .......R/O ....... New Delhi
do hereby confirm that the contents of the above affidavit are true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
If you have any queries regarding your case, please let me know.